This exact time 3 months ago (11 am), I was just return to my hospital bed in ward after delivering you. Exhausted, but very happy. Not very sleepy even though mommy and daddy both tak tidur for more than 24 hours haha. You were born very healthy, and very red! Everyone said that you'll have a nice fair skin. Well, you do. To this day your father will be like, "Putihnya dia, putihnya dia.." while comparing to his own skin side by side hahaha. So last Saturday (19th Aug) we went for your 3rd month checkup and jabs. You are 5.56kg. Increased about 600g from last month. So heavy now! After every feeding time, lengan mommy rasa nak tercabut numbed, lol. Tengok sajalah your peha yang berlipat tu ._. Looks like your hair gonna be curly too. The swirly-curl hair starting to appear dah hahaha Well i think i ought to share you the story how you come to this world lah. Somebody should tell you the story. And I should jotted it down before i forget all the detail...